Gym. Thought in a new way.

A workout experience that's available anytime.


225 €

Training with fitness bands. Newly defined.

Inspired by the most efficient sports equipment. Optimized, by an innovative and unique system. This gym fits perfectly into your work-life balance.

Training in every movement.
Accept the challenge.

We deliver the workout plan. Your focus is on the workout.

That backpack modifies your workout.

Developed by sports scientists

Everything you love about your workout. And even more.

Everyday movements turn into sports and promote your health or at least the new challenge for your muscles. You will definitely get fit. Strengthen your entire musculoskeletal system with functional exercises and resistance bands of various strengths. Increase your stamina and performance.

Take the fight with monotonous training.

It has never been so easy to work out anywhere. to work out anywhere.


HIIT stands for High Intesity IntervalTraining. Accordingly, the stress phases should be as strenuous as possible. This is where EXOPEK comes into play. The additional resistance bands challenge your muscles much more than training with your own body weight. This leads to maximum intensity in a short time.

Now, the intervals are high-intensity. For real.

That means in 10 minutes you can intensively challenge your whole body. Train sustainable

4 minutes for your health.
Even you will have that time.

Tabata is a special form of HIIT that was developed by the Japanese sports scientist Izumi Tabata. As early as 1996, he was able to prove through his study that this short form of training (8 rounds of 20s power & 10s rest) is particularly efficient.

With Exopek, you maximize success.

Gym. Thought in a new way. You have never trained like this before.

The ingenious combination of resistance bands and backpack opens up an efficient and independent workout for you. No matter where. No matter when. Experience our thrilling workouts. A memorable feeling. Hard to put in words.

In less than 1 minute you are ready to start your workout.

Which one is the right for your goals?

EXOPEK Starter

Enter the world of EXOPEK.
More muscle growth.


225 €

Sportgerät und Fitnessgerät mit Widerstandsbändern


Enjoy all benefits out of the EXOPEK world.
Highest variations.


295 €


295 €



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Widerstandsbänder in verschiedenen Stärken

Erhältlich sind die Widerstandsbänder in sieben verschiedenen Stärken. von 2,3kg - 27,2kg pro Band. Letztendlich kannst Du Dir Dein EXOPEK absolut individuell zusammenstellen und Widerstandsbänder jederzeit einzeln nachkaufen und an Deine Trainingserfolge anpassen. Die hochwertige Ummantelung schützt das langlebige Gummi-Gemisch zusätzlich vor einer Beschädigung durch äußere Einwirkungen.

so individuell wie dein workout